Friday, 13 May 2022

Writing Prompts

Hi All

Today's post is going to full of some writing prompts I've gathered from various sources around the Internet. feel free to use them to write your own short story or if you get carried away novel!

You've awoken with four small injection sites on your arm. What does it mean?

It starts with an explosion, and ends with a deep breath.

There are those in this world that have powers beyond imagining.

Peace at Last, The war was over, we had lost.

Freedom for the wolves has often meant death to the sheep.

The Great Elder slept the sleep. He dreams. He Woke. He Wept. Then The dawn was upon him. Today is the day the world ends.

Mars has been finally colonized, and prepared for human in habitation.

A nuclear bomb blows up in the middle of London and nobody knows who it was or how it happened.

It started with sloths...

I like using prompts when I want to write for the fun of it. You can add constraints to make the "challenge" harder.


Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. -C.S. Lewis